Frequently asked questions

GLH functions as a multi-stakeholder partnership that mobilizes and leverages technologies, resources, and networks from Global Education Coalition’s members to ensure inclusion, equity, and quality in education and training for learners around the world.  

GLH engages partners from both public and private sectors, academic institutions, international organizations, and NGOs to create and support additional learning opportunities for children and youths through: 

  • a unified repository of open license educational resources (GLH Resource Bank)
  • a digital platform for connecting learners with educators and educational resources (GLH Connect). 

GLH Connect is a digital platform developed in 2021 by UNESCO as a tool for matching and connecting users based on solutions for supplemental learning - whether in the classroom, remotely, in the workplace, or in informal settings - through searchable needs-based online and on-site classes or resources for self-learning. Learners worldwide who register as a user of the GLH Connect can access cost-free, supplemental educational resources and instruction anywhere, anytime.

Anyone from 12 years old, who agrees to the terms of use of the GLH Connect can use the platform.

GLH Connect was designed as a web-based application that facilitates match making among users, who are learners, educators, and content providers wishing to benefit from cost-free supplemental educational resources, classes, and tutorials. Users must register in order to express their learning needs or willingness to teach free classes, and the platform will find the “matches” for them to choose, connect and meet for the class(es).  

Depending on your registered profile with the GLH Connect, the platform allows you to play different roles and benefit from different offers.  

  1. As a learner, you can access cost-free online or on-site classes that are available and suitable for your level regardless of your age, interact with other learners and educators, and share your experiences with the community. 
  2. As an educator, you can offer free online or on-site classes to those most in need, share and access free educational resources, interact with other educators, and share your experiences with the community. 
  3. As a content provider, you can share educational materials and resources, interact with other users, and share your experiences with the community. 

There are many ways in which you can support the mission. Here are some concrete examples, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.  

  • Act as a volunteer to support the operation of the platform  
  • Help promote GLH Connect to the potential groups of beneficiaries, in particular children, students, youths, parents
  • Co-create educational contents  

To ensure the appropriate protection of learner data, UNESCO requests that Global Education Coalition members adhere to the four principals outlined below.

Four principals to protect learner data

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting school closures, the right to education for hundreds of millions of young people is suddenly dependent on a global ecosystem of technology organizations. To ensure the appropriate protection of learner data during an unprecedented and urgent transition to distance learning, UNESCO has asked Global Education Coalition members to adhere to the four principles outlined below. The principals build on existing regulations and pledges concerning personal data privacy and security, especially those specific to education contexts. The spirit of the Global Coalition is cooperation to solve urgent educational needs and do no harm when working to ensure the continuity, quality and equity of learning.

Four principals

  1. Appropriate use of data: We will not use educational data and learner information for advertising or other profiling purposes. This includes profiling for up-selling services and products, profiling that might result in political punishment or censure, or profiling that may undermine learner’s future aspirations and careers.  
  2. Access and control: We will offer learners access and control over the collection, use, sharing and deletion of their personal information.  
  3. Security and protection: We will ensure the security and protection of learner data and in line with industry best practices.
  4. Lifespan of services: We will disclose transparent information about the lifespan of services we offer, especially free or discounted offers.  
